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Showing posts from January, 2017

The Paw Story (repost)

Let me tell you a true story! My lady love once found an adorable street dog who was about to give birth to some angels at her office premises. Once they were born, the were gorgeous, beautiful and amazing little puppies and everybody loved them. One day she unfortunately found out the mother to have left her body and her remains lying in the drains of her office. Although the soul left the body, the puppies, unaware of the worldly pains assumed her to be alive while they kept feeding themselves from the long gone mother's breasts. Within a day or two some of the puppies died of hunger and two little angels remained and my lady love decided to shelter them until they can grow strong enough to survive by themselves. One she named Charlie and the other, Ginger. While they grew a little, one of her acquaintances adopted Charlie and Ginger stayed. Over the time Ginger grew up lady like, learning everything she could from her mother, not by birth but by fate. Now she is ten month


There are certain things in a person which get engraved into my mind and into my heart be it good or bad. It doesn't matter who that person is or what relationship I share with them but it's their those specific things like their smile, the way of talking, the way they laugh, the way they react to emotions, etc. Ever since I was a kid, I mostly had female friends and that somehow is the reason why I was never worried about how to start a conversation with a female. I've seen guys almost pray to God before they spoke to girls or ended up over-speaking. I always had this unique quality of observing. Maybe because I never talked much but yes I used to observe everything around me. My parents used to complain I don't socialize much with my friends and family but this somehow helped in developing a stronger common sense and gather more knowledge about day to day things around me. I've always been in love with automobiles, and because of my keen observation qualities,

My first post

It's 2017. My bed is positioned in a way that the morning rays hit half the bed. Earlier I used to sleep in a way that the rays hit my face directly so that I know it's morning. I had this idea that it would be an amazing feeling but trust me it's the most horrible thing you could do to yourself. So I started sleeping the other way round and let the sunrays hit my feet instead. Now that, feels amazing. So it happened to me that I this morning I woke up much before the rays could actually make my feet warm and saw the golden rays coming in. I decided to do the most difficult thing during winter mornings. I decided to leave my cosy bed. We have an easy chair. Not the traditional ones but the folding-easy to carry ones. It's pretty comfortable. We have kept it in our balcony. So I decided to sit there and write my first post. But what do I want to write? Well, about the year 2016. So.... last new year, I drank a lot and was totally out. So the start of the new year was