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Showing posts from 2018

Do Not Fall In Love With A Broken Heart

It's difficult to deal with the situations when we are exhausted of the drug we need, to heal ourselves. Haven't experienced this situation yet, here's something I'll tell you, you are a very lucky person and I'll give you a small piece of advise, do not ever fall for someone with a broken heart. Why? Here's why: You won't be able to understand who the person really is when they are broken, sympathy/empathy or whatever you call it will take charge of your logical thinking and you will start pouring in all your emotions onto them, they will heal themselves from the love you give them and once they are fine, they will become a person you will never recognise. So what, you think you can probably break free and move on? My friend, you are wrong, here's what will happen to you: All your life neither will you be able to move on because you're already exhausted of your emotions, nor will you ever get the answer to how this person changed so much. You wi

Love, A Lot Of It

Offlate I've realised that there is something I need, badly and a lot o f it, that's love. This might sound funny or cheesy but let me ask you this question, who doesn't? It's been a very long time that someone has looked into my eyes with so much love that I couldn't look anywhere else but right into the depths of her soul. It's been a very long time that someone has just held me with so much affection that I could close my eyes and believe that I'm needed. It's been a very long time that I've felt love. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I feel so lonely, depressed and heartbroken. Sometimes I wish someone would run her fingers through my hair and I could peacefully rest on her lap. Weird little things that we need which truly make so much difference in our lives.

A beautiful dream or a nightmare?

It all started as a timelapse of me travelling somewhere far, somewhere unknown, looking for something, or someone? I had no clue what. I saw myself traveling in a train, in a bus, on a boat, in an aeroplane and running across some random unknown streets. I could figure out I was somewhere far away from home. I was tired and I was running towards hope. Then I saw myself in front of a big field and across that was a mansion. I was standing there looking at it, restless, panting, breathless. I ran till the end of my breath and I entered a narrow passage which was one of the ways to reach the main entrance. When I came to the end of the passage, I saw her. She was standing there looking at me with a face beaming with smile. I was tired but I didn't know if what rolled down my cheek was my sweat or tear. She giggled seeing me and started going inside the mansion. I requested her to stop, as I was tired: not only physically but mostly emotionally. She giggled again and went past a

The Damage

When we fill a glass with water, we empty a container by the same quantity. If you agree with me, you would also realise how when we build, create or produce something, we use up some resources somehow or the other, like for instance, to make furnitures or produce paper, we cut down trees; to make a house we use bricks and sand which is nothing but soil from somewhere or the other; we make diamond jewelry, we dig into mines looking for them. Similarly, in our lives we come across many people who are damaged. When we try to fix that damage, we use up our emotions, our efforts, our trust and so much more. Eventually we fill up the void in the other person's life while creating the void within us. Sometimes the person stays with us all our lives after they are fixed, sometimes they move on leaving the void behind in us. Now in situations where they stay, somehow they keep sharing the emotions, efforts and all other resources that was once used up, to support each other. However, whe