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Showing posts from March, 2018

The Damage

When we fill a glass with water, we empty a container by the same quantity. If you agree with me, you would also realise how when we build, create or produce something, we use up some resources somehow or the other, like for instance, to make furnitures or produce paper, we cut down trees; to make a house we use bricks and sand which is nothing but soil from somewhere or the other; we make diamond jewelry, we dig into mines looking for them. Similarly, in our lives we come across many people who are damaged. When we try to fix that damage, we use up our emotions, our efforts, our trust and so much more. Eventually we fill up the void in the other person's life while creating the void within us. Sometimes the person stays with us all our lives after they are fixed, sometimes they move on leaving the void behind in us. Now in situations where they stay, somehow they keep sharing the emotions, efforts and all other resources that was once used up, to support each other. However, whe