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Showing posts from February, 2017

Because need? Or greed?

It was around the first hour of the day while I was returning home from my office. The roads were almost empty, freezing cold, chili wind and darkness being fought by the street lamps. I normally stop at every red signal even if it is just me alone in the road. So I stopped at the last crossing before my home, from where I need to take right. I was waiting at for the right signal to turn green and I know it will take sometime, so I turned off the engine. I noticed a young girl crossing the road from the side I would be going towards. Soon she walked cross the road and approached me. She was telling me something with an expression of shame and compulsion on her face. Although I couldn't hear her voice since the glass on my helmet was shut, but I figured out what she was asking. I nodded my head in negation and thought to myself I shouldn't stop there as this lady might be linked with cops to earn some healthy cash. I started my bike and turned the headlight on, I saw the fac